Sunday, July 20, 2008

Step #2

My best friend jumped out of a plane yesterday. She actually jumped out of a plane. Her wonderful husband purchased this exciting adventure for her as an 18th wedding anniversary gift. ( No, he was not hoping the chute wouldn't open ).

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly? To flap your arms, and go, soaring through the clouds, careless, and dare I say, Free. To experience an adrenaline rush each time you take off, and pushing yourself to the very limits of your abilities. Playing chicken with the cars. Gliding through the sky as the sun begins to set. Waiting, hoping, longing for the sun rise.

I do.

Is freedom taking a chance, not knowing if you will survive? To be FREE, even if it is only for 4 minutes, what an adventure. I think that I am ready to feel that freedom as well. Take that first step. No wait, the first step is something everyone can do. We can all get into the plane. It is taking that second, and third, and fourth step that counts. The first step can easily be retracted, but once you go past that stage, THAT is where the adventure begins. THAT is where you find abundance, and freedom.

Way to go Heather. Not only did you experience an incredible rush, but you managed to teach me a little at the same time.

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