Friday, July 18, 2008


I had an interesting conversation with a co-worker yesterday. Sally is an incredibly fit, beautiful and positive woman. She battled cancer, and so far is winning. There is still a growth that is being monitored, but so far, so good. A friend who is dear to my heart, Carrie, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. She continues her battle, and is gracious enough to allow us to walk through it with her. I just read a post from Craig, who found out that a co-worker passed away this morning - breast cancer.

Cancer is a reality in everyone's life. It seems that everyone knows someone with it. It is a devastating illness, and can destroy families, and lives. My aunt is suffering from the cancer as we speak.

BUT, I have also noticed something incredible. Have you ever spoken to someone whose life has been affected. The one thing that struck me yesterday, when speaking with Sally, is how much she appreciates. Yes, some days can be a struggle, but this woman has never let her children see her cry. Actually, the weekend after surgery, she brought her kids to Montreal. She said " yes, Mom has had a hard time, but I'm still Mom" - " Don't sweat the small stuff".

To be able to appreciate every moment that you have is a gift. Sometimes, I wish people would catch on to that before it becomes too late. Take the time, listen to a child laugh, or do what I do when I feel like shit - go on you tube, find some old Carole Burnett shows and watch Tim Conway talk about the elephants -

Laugh, love and enjoy every moment, And thank those who can teach you how.
Thank you Sally, Thank you Carrie, and God bless all those who have had to learned the hard way.


Anonymous said...

You really do have a great way with words ... good job for your first "real" post!

Carrie said...
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Carrie said...

yeahhhhhhh I am a f*cking saint. hahahahhahaha

Brill post Chantal.

JC said...

My mom lived a hard life with a very abusive alcoholic husband.Her husband went on to develop Alzheimers / pickled brain. Once he was admitted to a nursing home she started to live life. It was cut short however when she got lung cancer from his second hand smoke ( bitter yeah a bit). She did though fight the cancer well and enjoyed every day to it's fullest. A lesson that most of us are still learning. It usually goes something like... "I can't wait to retire and then I am going to...." or "when the kids grow up, and there is just the two of us lets ...." Some times tomorrow never comes. Yes I know it all sounds very negative, but it is true deal with it.