Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just one more thing...

I forgot! Just one more thing!

Isn't life Grand today! Look outside... if it's sunny, then smile and feel the warmth! If it's raining, close your eyes and enjoy hearing the wonderful sounds!!!!

Enjoy every moment, and never dismiss the beauty in front of you!

Today is a good day!

Why would you do that???

I'm part of a wonderful home group. This is a group of people that I get together with every Monday night, to discuss issues, topics, and faith. We also eat, alot! We are very social, and do many thing together outside of these Monday night meetings as well.

In a 1/2 hour, some of those people will be picking us up, and we are going to Drive 18 hours or so, to PEI. The plan so far is to visit Shayna, then drive to Nova Scotia, and Ride the Tidal Bore! - back to PEI then we come home Monday.

When I told people at work of my plans, the first question they all asked was "WHY on EARTH would you do that?" Well, that's easy! Why not!

Although some of our group will be missing ( and also very missed ), this is a Road trip. We drive all night, stay up all day, and hope to be able to go to work on Tuesday. Sounds like a blast to me.

I just can't understand why people are surprised by this. They look at my life, my friends, and the community that surrounds me, and they think it's strange. Yet, I think it is wonderful, exciting, and what is lacking for most adults today. A family, people you can count on, trust, and love. People who understand the "just because" statements.

Can you imagine yourself, surrounded by people who you know would do anything for you at the drop of a hat. People who miss you when you are away, who laugh and cry with you. People who love you so much, that any idea, no matter how crazy, becomes a good idea! These people help raise my children, mourn with me, and celebrate my greatest moments

Yeah, maybe we do act like a bunch of 12 year olds, we do everything together. Every night there is something going on, and I would have it no other way!

4:45 - waiting patiently for the van! See y'all when I get back!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Let's try this again - grandma

For those of you who don't know, I'm going to be a grandma. Yeah, I know, how can such a hot, young chicky be a grandma to be? I am told I barely look old enough to have kids, and even though I am going to be 39, I still get carded at the Casino.

My daughter, Angela is 25. Did you notice I said daughter, and not step daughter??? She is my kid. Mine! To add the "step" in there implies a disconnect of some sorts. You just married her father, some would say. I have had the pleasure of knowing Angela 24 out of those 25 years. I helped raised her. When I look at her, I feel the same pride and joy that I feel when I look at my own son.

Raising her was not easy - I can tell you that! She would be the first to say that there have been so many struggles, difficulties, and tears along the way. Far too many! But I'm going to openly declare something else, I would do it ALL over again. Every single moment. Why? Well, all I can say is that she is my kid. I would give up the world to see her happy. And today, right now, she is.

She has found the love of her life. He treats her like gold! And she is soon going to be a Mom.
i can only hope that her experiences as a parent are as fulfilling and challenging as mine have been. They have been worth every step!

I must admit that I am being very selfish. This Grandson of mine - Landon Johannes is not even born yet, and I don't want to share him. I want to be the grandma that he turns to, plays with, and loves. I don't want to share the "title" with anyone else. That is why I struggle with what I am going to call myself. I want it to be something that is personal, intimate! Oma, Nana, Grandma, Grand-maman, they don't work! It's going to be different, whatever it is....

The best part of all of this is that I KNOW that bebe will not see me as an outsider trying to fill a void! He will know me as his grandma, no strings attached!

Even more amazing and wonderful is that I can finally say with 100% certainty, that I feel that way about Angela too. She is my Kid! mine! and I love her! I'm not sharing her anymore!

Thank-you Angela, for making me feel this way!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Secrets from a warped mind :P

For all of you who have never suffered from depression or any other kind of Mood disorders, let me fill you in on a few secrets.
1) We are not crazy! Most times are behaviors are caused by a physical issue. Would you call a cancer patient crazy? No? Hmmm, then maybe the Crazy in front of you is really physically sick
2) The lenses that we use to see the world is dirty. We try to clean them, but sometimes, we just can't see things right!
3) Don't take offense. We really do try everything in our power to get better. Sometimes, we just can't see the end. We don't understand comments like "don't worry about it, or get over it."
4) we still love you, want you, and need you in our lives. Even if we say we don't, we do.
5) We know that it can be terrible for you to deal with us. Trust me, we beat ourselves up over it, but know that way deep down inside, we really do appreciate and love you.
6) We don't make sense, but in our minds, everything is so real.
7) We get scared too.
8) sometimes, a simply hug can mean so much.
9) The reasons behind the pain may very well be completely off, but our pain, both physical and mental are real.
10) Don't give up, We give up too easily.
11) With your help and continued support, we will get better, It may take years, but with you, there is hope.
12) God loves us too, even if we don't feel it! He does.

If I have forgotten any, please feel free to add. ( All 2 of you who read my blog :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Step #2

My best friend jumped out of a plane yesterday. She actually jumped out of a plane. Her wonderful husband purchased this exciting adventure for her as an 18th wedding anniversary gift. ( No, he was not hoping the chute wouldn't open ).

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly? To flap your arms, and go, soaring through the clouds, careless, and dare I say, Free. To experience an adrenaline rush each time you take off, and pushing yourself to the very limits of your abilities. Playing chicken with the cars. Gliding through the sky as the sun begins to set. Waiting, hoping, longing for the sun rise.

I do.

Is freedom taking a chance, not knowing if you will survive? To be FREE, even if it is only for 4 minutes, what an adventure. I think that I am ready to feel that freedom as well. Take that first step. No wait, the first step is something everyone can do. We can all get into the plane. It is taking that second, and third, and fourth step that counts. The first step can easily be retracted, but once you go past that stage, THAT is where the adventure begins. THAT is where you find abundance, and freedom.

Way to go Heather. Not only did you experience an incredible rush, but you managed to teach me a little at the same time.

Friday, July 18, 2008


I had an interesting conversation with a co-worker yesterday. Sally is an incredibly fit, beautiful and positive woman. She battled cancer, and so far is winning. There is still a growth that is being monitored, but so far, so good. A friend who is dear to my heart, Carrie, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. She continues her battle, and is gracious enough to allow us to walk through it with her. I just read a post from Craig, who found out that a co-worker passed away this morning - breast cancer.

Cancer is a reality in everyone's life. It seems that everyone knows someone with it. It is a devastating illness, and can destroy families, and lives. My aunt is suffering from the cancer as we speak.

BUT, I have also noticed something incredible. Have you ever spoken to someone whose life has been affected. The one thing that struck me yesterday, when speaking with Sally, is how much she appreciates. Yes, some days can be a struggle, but this woman has never let her children see her cry. Actually, the weekend after surgery, she brought her kids to Montreal. She said " yes, Mom has had a hard time, but I'm still Mom" - " Don't sweat the small stuff".

To be able to appreciate every moment that you have is a gift. Sometimes, I wish people would catch on to that before it becomes too late. Take the time, listen to a child laugh, or do what I do when I feel like shit - go on you tube, find some old Carole Burnett shows and watch Tim Conway talk about the elephants -

Laugh, love and enjoy every moment, And thank those who can teach you how.
Thank you Sally, Thank you Carrie, and God bless all those who have had to learned the hard way.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Say hi to me!

Alright, so here we go. I have so many loved ones who have started blogging, that I can't help but think it is something that I should try. Who knows, we may even get to know each other a little better as a result.
I sometimes read what others have to say and cannot help but think this may also and have a therapeutic component. There are moments that I feel the need to scream that I am here, and other times I need to hide behind the screen. Either way, I have decided to allow you to join me on the ride. It may be the ride of our lives. I am glad that I can start here with you. Whomever "you" are!
I can only hope that you find joy, and perhaps even understanding in shared experiences.
Let's go for a ride!
Hang on!

This is it!