Sunday, October 12, 2008


Laughter, I don't think that there is anything more therapeutic, heart warming, or energizing.

Last night I laughed. I spent the evening with the people I love the most, and we laughed. My daughter has an incredible sense of humor. She can make me giggle with the simplest things. My grandchild made me laugh. He is stuck inside this little tiny belly, trying to move around, but limited in his mobility. I am sure he was kicking me, just because he wanted me to know that he was there - lol! Giggled to the point where I was close to tears!

There is nothing like a good belly laugh to make you feel so much better. Laughter seems to be able to lift your spirits in a way that nothing else can. Yes my spirits needed lifting too.

Hearing other people laugh is also amazing. I sat there last night, listening to John laugh, and it was just nice, to hear him laugh that way, to see him that relaxed, it's nice.

Monty, the son-in-law, has this laugh that is so genuine, that I smile every single time I hear it.

My son, was not hanging with us after dinner last night. He considers us silly, and let's face it, he's 15. but let me tell you something about him. He has this incredibly dry, sarcastic humor. Actually, he has my sense of humor. He makes me bust a gut. But there is nothing, and I mean nothing, greater than hearing him belly laugh.

I guess what I am trying to say, is just how lucky I am to have been able to spend an evening laughing. We were silly, goofy, and downright stupid at times, but I would not have changed a single thing. Today, my heart is filled with joy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Filled with joy at 5:30 am?! What the ^%$# is wrong with you woman!!! {grin}