Well, they're the people that you meet
When you're walking down the street
They're the people that you meet each day
http://www.songlyrics.com/song-lyrics/Sesame_Street/Miscellaneous/People_In_Your_Neighborhood/98341.htmlDo you remember it? Or am I simply aging myself here!
We come across so many people in our daily lives. Each an every one of them has the incredible power to change our lives. Strangers can smile and brighten your day. Others, can bump into you, and cause you to go into a tirade about how society has lost it's social graces. Some can cause you to lose hope, while others can show you incredible courage, allowing you to find strength within yourself, that you never even knew you had.
So here is my question. How do you respond? In as much as we can be influenced by other peoples actions, it only stands to reason that WE have the same power of influence. Do you hold the door open for the business woman who just knocked the bag out of your hand. Do you smile at the woman who is trying to control her 2 year old's tantrum, or do you give her a disapproving look? Do you respond out of anger, when the guy in the sports car cuts you off? Give him the one finger salute? Or do you try to look at it from a different perspective. His wife just went into labor and he is rushing home, Her child has been sick for a week, and the woman needed a break.
Each and every day, I choose to respond. I can allow my emotions to control me. I can set up "rules" for what is right, and what is wrong, and then judge others by this ever flowing, constantly changing set of guidelines. The problem with that is.... Others have their own defined measuring stick as well. And thus, I am being judged the same way that I am judging others.
What do I do to make things a little better for the stranger in front of me? Can I make a difference? Absolutely. You see, how we respond towards others, give us an opportunity to speak into the lives of those around us. We have control over how impatient we are. Perhaps by telling the clerk who served you at the store, that he did a good job, will allow him to take pride in his work. This in turn, will influence how he responds to the next customer.
Of course, there is a catch. Living this way can be really hard. Let's face it, some people are asses. Plain and simple. There is no "justifying", they are asses. You want to tell them, or tell someone else. But perhaps, an act of kindness will change how they respond when they go home. Maybe he / she won't beat their kids tonight.
I do struggle with this philosophy. I struggle putting it into practice. I hear horror stories every day, and sometimes it can be really discouraging to find positive in anything at all. It is however, my RESPONSIBILITY to try and live it out. It is a choice I made when I decided to follow Jesus, to live by God's word. If I am worthy of Grace - which I am - then so are all of the people that we meet each day. Show them the Grace that you have so readily accepted for yourself. Perhaps it is exactly what they need today. I know it is what I need.
Remember folks " God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again." John 3:17 - The message.
Chantal I enjoy reading your blog. Today you made to statements that I can not say I agree with, and respectfully would like to make two counter statements. First, when you say “Each an every one of them has the incredible power to change our lives. Strangers can smile and brighten your day. Others, can bump into you, and cause you to go into a tirade…” In my opinion this is not correct. Just as you or anyone else reading this right now may say, that guy gets me so upset by how argumentative and negative he is, I am NOT getting you upset it is how you are choosing to react to what I have said. This is not splitting hairs, it is pointing out where the real power of your emotions lies, within us NOT within someone else.
The other statement you made that I respectfully disagree with is “If I am worthy of Grace - which I am - then so are all of the people that we meet each day”. In my opinion NONE of us are worthy of grace (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense). God did not extend grace to us because we deserved it; we deserved to go to hell. But God saw past our sinfulness to what He had originally planned and HE CHOOSE to extend grace to us. Therefore why can we not do the very least for others, extend them grace? They may deserve a kick in the teeth, but remember so did we.
Thanks JC.
I think that you and I are both saying the same thing, although in different words. It's all about our own attitude. How WE react, can create change in others.
you are also right in saying that none of us deserve Grace, but Jesus came in order to free us. That Freedom is extended to everyone. I am worthy of Grace, because HE said I was. Jesus extended grace to us all. Does that mean I deserve it, well no, but he has offered it, and I willingly, lovingly and gratefully accept it. I am worthy because God sees past all of my inner and outer sins, and still loves me. Jesus took my sins away, and I try to live every day in a way that I can show my gratitude. Yes, I fail every single day, but still I celebrate him. Jesus died, to show us our worth. He died so that we can all be worthy in the eyes of God. Remember, Jesus came to make things right!
Hey Chantal,
Yes I kind of thought we were on the same page. Can you imagine how much better this world would be if we all took on the attitude God had / has. I mean imagine if we all could see past the sins of people and love them. I think you and I both if not unemployed would have a lot less work to do . lol
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