Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Been awhile.....

Yes, it has been a while, some things have changed, and some haven't. Still me, still cry for no reason, and still love a good laugh. I wanted to post incredible words of wisdom here, but to be honest, someone has already said it for me. Yeah, accuse me of cutting and pasting, but hey, if the word fits........
I stumbled upon this just a few seconds ago and it perfectly describes what has been swirling in my head . The only difference between this and me, is that the author had found resolution, I was still in the thinking stage. Yup, got kicked in the ass. You can read it here or see it for yourself at

Why Bad Things Happen to Good People

Actually there is a book by the name "When Bad Things Happen to Good People." No one here has read it. Of course, we don't need to, because we already know why:

There is no such thing as Justice

It is an illusion. A myth. A fairy tale. Life really isn't fair. The question is, why do you think it's supposed to be? Who started that idea? Job? The people who tried to put a good face on beating people up by inventing the Queensbury Rules? I don't know.

Justice sounds like a good idea because it sort of equalizes the pain. I get hurt, so you get hurt in return. Well there's more ocean than land, more mice than mouse traps, and more salesmen than prophets. Things just aren't meant to be equal. Suffering and happiness are not weights in a cosmic scale of blind justice. The relative proportions are completely unpredictable.

Tragedy may be unequal, but it isn't random. Yes, there is a meaning. Bad things usually happen to forcefully slap us out of whatever stupor we are in at the time. We are supposed to start questioning our beliefs. We are supposed to figure out what is and what is not important to us. People usually don't change unless they feel sufficient pain to overcome their natural resistance to change. Change takes energy. Nothing energizes like tragedy. What suffering is usually supposed to encourage us to do is figure out how to avoid suffering in the future. Learn what happy people do and imitate them

If tragedy seems random and cruel now, it isn't. You're just not wanting to look at the facts.

Of course, if people don't get the hint and continue to imitate deer staring into the headlights of destiny, well, that's their lookout. Do not get mad at me/God/the universe. Do what you're supposed to do, pick your ass up off the ground and try again. Nobody likes a crybaby.

You can't get out of it by going limp and giving up. That usually makes it worse. Athletes must tolerate a certain level of pain to reach their goals. You are no different.

As for the injustice of loved ones getting killed, etc., that has its own purpose. Don't ask unanswerable questions about other people; you've got enough to worry about with your own situation. If you get tragically killed, then you'll understand. Until then, forget it.

I have been criticized about the callous nature of this page. For people who have recently lost family members, etc., this little diatribe can sting. However, the message is still true even for them. Life is very unfair, but like chemotherapy, it does the job.